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Old 10-25-2008, 11:36 AM   #17
Avalon Senior Member
Join Date: Oct 2008
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Default Re: The ET Question ?

hi david, it may wellbe the case that this planet is completelty different from others as we have free-will which allows for the concept of bad and good. from many sources, they say that other planets beings already know how life and the creative forces work so no one grows old and noone argues, making it an extremely boring and no one learns/expands their horizons. there aslo is the concept that if everyone agrees and doesnt disagree, when 1 person in that race decides to jump off a cliff, everyone agrees and the race dies there! it seems as with 'ying and yang' there needs to be a balance of the dark and the light, thats why i say this planet may well be different from other and them up there may be unsure of letting us explore the cosmos. 2012 might be the cleaning process for us to grow up and know the knowledge but with our understanding of the darkness and the light. knowledge has to grow out of both these concepts which makes us a possible threat out there and maybe even godlike! (as all the old books and stories say!)

....then again, they may well be jealous that we look so good in our bodies and they dont!

Originally Posted by David View Post
I have listened to a lot of other peoples experiences and have heard many different versions of good and bad ET's. However, I can only relate to what I know about them. Greys, Reptilians and hybrids are all good. I would be nice if we could establish a relationship with every ET that came into contact with us but this is not the case.

Try relating this to a doctors or nurses stand point. You deal with many different people every day. In the beginning you establish relationships but soon after, you learn it's easier to just do your job and get it over with.
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