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Old 03-12-2010, 05:35 PM   #118
Avalon Senior Member
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Default Re: No Food - No Fear

Good point of view and I agree. Yet when is or should anything be classified as being demonic or low frequency or negative energy? Should my ability of knowing when people are going to soon die also be classified as negative energy? I mean, this ability happens and I actually know when certain people are going to die really, really soon. I can actually pin point when and sometimes how they will die. This depends on what kind of connection I have with such people and it varies. One thing I can't do is stop anyone's death from happening. Believe me I have tried and it never seems to work out.

The suicides are definitely the ones I've learned not to attempt any interference of. For example one lady, which in the act of doing it basically told me that she who have me arrested if I tried to stop her from dying. No, she didn't tell me this physically (like us being face to face). She told my higher self while I experienced her suicide planning and then finally her death. So I realized long ago that this ability is not here for me to stop people from death, but more higher purpose. I've died maybe one million times or more and lived that many times as well (past lives). At least according to my numerology/astrology charts and what I sense/know. Such things only help confirm for me who I really am, which are also all my advanced psychic abilities. So is some or all this experience of mine for the purpose evil? I don't think so. Either way I still I accept it.

Or is it more negative when I chose to experience a woman driving and running over my mail box several times & until that mail box is more flatter than any pan cake? I wanted a new mail box and to help any soul concerning their drinking & driving challenge. I connected to it all and allowed it to happen to me. This is what some would call remote influencing. Less than a week later she ran my mail box over until she could no longer drive. She was trying to back up into my driveway and turn around to leave my dead end street. I don't think that she was charged by me at least, but maybe the police charged her with drunk driving. Actually I deeply sensed that she has family in the police department and she wasn't really charged as much as a normal drunk driver would be. Do you see? That was just one of the events I chose being my reality. Especially before the whole event took place. If folks want to call me evil or negative for helping a drunk driver hit my mail box instead of killing a pedestrian, that's wonderful. Thing is, such people probably are not open enough to understand just who I really am or what I really know and understand. That's ok. Life goes on and we're all doing the best that we can.

I realize that negative and positive experiences have to do with being more oneness experience. How do I explain oneness when I can not explain it? It's something that you can only experience and to do so means to perceive life in as many ways as possible... and impossible. Well, at least according to those who believe that some experiences are just too "impossible" for anyone to experience.

Basically I understand what balance really is and I allow it to help me and others in life. In so many ways I prove that I can help balance various kinds of energy, so that all involved experience that energy as well. It's not about good verse evil it's about oneness or more balance. In fact I am starting my own business to do just that. I will give psychic readings but also offer other kinds of help as well.

If any of what I just now explained... in total honesty no doubt, is me being very egotistical then so be it. I don't see it that way because I tried to explain who I am and give as much detail. One thing is for sure and that is I seriously don't belong on this planet, lol. BUT I am here to learn, like everyone else. It's sad so many refuse to experience life by also choosing/experiencing more perspectives, yes? That's all that I ask here. Open hearts & minds.

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