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Old 03-02-2010, 06:13 AM   #82
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Default Re: Bill Ryan's Post on project Avalon chat

Originally Posted by Karen View Post
mkspllmn - I don't recall Kerry ever shutting down a thread. She has demanded a few times that they be opened after people complain to her, but since she doesn't hang out at the forum or with mods, she doesn't know the situation that she demands be reversed. Over a year ago Bill was to take Avalon and Kerry Camelot, but it is difficult for her to stay out of forum business when people complain to her. Now there is a clear cut division and as usual, I will volunteer - to have her send those complaints to me and team, so we can make our decision about a possible reversal. We are not power-tripping ogres. Send us a reasonable and polite request and we will reconsider or tell you why not.

Kerry did shut down the forum to put pressure on the fact that she wanted a closed thread be reopened. That was quite shocking and took over about 24 hours of my life. As of today, she no longer has that power - the separation of Camelot and Avalon is complete. I heard mention they will have a "portal" on the web where people can come and see what Bill and Kerry have to share in their own spaces.

From my perspective Kerry is not fighting with Burisch. Bill and Kerry to this day are perplexed by the accusations made against them by the Burisch team. I think I saw where that started - at the conference in Europe, where there was a panel discussion and the topic of vaccinations came up and exploded. Many in the crowd were anti-vaccine, yelling because they didn't have mircophones and Burisch is very pro vaccine and felt threatened by possible outbreak of violence. Burisch accused Bill of lying about a bomb threat - when Bill says it was a problem with a database making labels. The was a phone call about it and Bill and Ruth went off to sort it out. And this list of misunderstandings continues to grow.
Ok, it wasnt a thread it was the whole forum.

Thank you for the corrections on other details.

Would anyone care to comment on what I was trying to say in the post?

I think Kerry is being used to discredit Camelot.
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