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Old 01-28-2009, 02:48 AM   #1
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Default Virtues of Unbifurcated Male Garments...

Clothing questions??????? As a lover of the manly kilt, what think ye of this noblest man's opinions?

Thursday, December 20, 2007
On the Virtues of Unbifurcated Male Garments
-- or --

"It's not a skirt, man, it's a kilt/sarong/lavalava/tunic/lungi/kanga/toga/whatever"

Speaking as a male, I have frankly often found pants to be uncomfortable. Depending on how they are tailored, they often tend to pull down in the back when bending over (resulting in the famous Plumber's Syndrome), or to constrict sensitive areas of the body when sitting.

And then there is of course there is the simple logic of the question that must cross the mind of every thinking man, at some point in his life, at least once--namely: "If it is exceptable for women to choose between different forms of attire such as pants, shorts, capris, skirts, dresses, etc., why is it that we men are constrained to wear only trousers or shorts?"

Well, the answer is, from a broader global and historical perspective, we aren't. As the highlanders of Scotland, the citizens of Ancient Rome and the city-states of old Greece, as well as the men of Indonesia, Polynesia, parts of Africa, and elsewhere demonstrate, men have always worn and continue to wear unbifurcated garments (i.e., skirts, etc.). If you have ever had such thoughts, it's important to remember that you are not alone.

There are a number of options available even to the modern American man, from kilts to sarongs. Unbifurcated garments certainly have their perks, and they can be much more comfortable than pants under many circumstances. Concerned about what people might think or say? Well, it's common knowledge that women find kilts sexy. And furthermore, in the right situation, among enlightened people, wearing an unbifurcated garment can get attention in a good way, becoming a topic for conversation, and allowing you to stand out from the mass of trousered clones.

But don't take my word for it--others have plenty more to say about this. Here are just a couple of selected links I found particularly useful and/or inspiring, if you wish to educate yourself more, or just seek moral support.

For a general treatment on "male unbifurcated garments" in general [Unbifurcated Rebellion!]:

More specifically devoted to kilts, the official site of the "Bravehearts":
[Trouser Tyranny]
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