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Old 01-28-2010, 11:51 PM   #64
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Default Re: I could have done the McCollum interview..

It's so funny because I thought the EXACT same thing after I saw the interview...then I saw this thread title.

This isn't meant as a personal attack on Aaron McCollum because I don't know the guy. These are just my intuitive opinions on the interview. The very first shot of him talking and his body language sent my BS-radar through the roof. He believed most he was saying....but not all of it was accurate as someone else here mentioned. I didn't sense much fear....just a jittery almost neurotic type of energy....but maybe he just had one too many cups of coffee beforehand. lol

After finishing the vid...99% of it was stuff I had already read and researched about...and a majority of that info is here on these forums.

Personally, I think most everything about The Gulf of Aden, Yemen, pirate cover story, is all true. However I believe the whole stargate/atlantis/android thing is a cover story as well...people eat that drivel up...thinking it's so fantastical that it HAS to be true. I don't dismiss the possibility of stargates, atlantis, and cyborgs...but it just sounds all too convenient.

TPTW have a nice believable pirate/terrorist story for the general public.....and a neato stargate/cyborg/atlantis cover story for the more fringe public like those who visit this forum. Pretty brilliant considering both stories kinda say the same thing...Arab terrorists through customs or evil Atlantean cyborgs through a stargate....I mean really what's the difference?

This might be all about Antiquities....I think THAT is what's really going on.

But hey....maybe I'm wrong.

All in all it wasn't a terrible interview...but I really would have liked to hear Aarons "Full interview" first with his personally story and background in detail....then this interview 2nd.
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