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Old 01-01-2010, 01:15 PM   #10
Avalon Senior Member
Join Date: Dec 2009
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Posts: 32
Default Re: Psychiatry the fraud

This man is correct! Psychiatry is The Fraud of this age.

The lie is psychiatric drugs are given to people who are suffering from neurological dysfunctions caused by exposure to modern evironmental toxins like fluoradated water supplies and carbon monoxide poisoning and unnatural synthetic eating stuffs, heavy metals and chemicals in everything from antiperspirants, toothpaste, suntan lotions, bug sprays, house cleaning products, gasses emitted from everything from upholstery fabrics, carpets, and preservatives, all synthetics combining in the body.

We are metabolizers, not 'synthesizors' <--- made up name for all the manmade chemicals affecting our heath today.
Doctors don't take synthetics drugs they prescribe. Urologists avoids municiple water supplies. Neurologists generally are found living in the country, drinking clean fresh water, eating pure wholesome foods. Psychiatrists generally believe in their practice as being legitimate... they have a high sucide rate and particularly if they take mind manipulating drugs.

Psychiatry is a fraud. It's not even science. It's a governments way to cover up health affects of evironmental toxins. It's a way to prevent those affected from recieving the medical attention they really need. Psychiatry is first a fraud and then a deception.

And anyone who believes differently? I can't help you. My apologies.

Kind Regards,
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