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Old 01-27-2010, 08:00 PM   #53
Avalon Spiritual Mother
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Default Re: Shock Kulapops disclosure exclusive ! Life is Good !

They call themselves the Hunzas (pronounced Hoonzas) and live in what has come to be known as the roof of the world - the mountain peaks of the Himalayas. To be more precise, the Hunza country, with a population of only 30,000, is situated at the extreme northern point of India, where the borders of Kashmir, China, India and Afghanistan converge.

The life expectancy of the average Hunza falls onto a different scale altogether - these people reach both physical and intellectual maturity at the venerable age of one hundred!

Amongst several wise things they naturally do there is one well worth mentioning here and taking example from :

The Hunzas do not seem to worry about the future, nor are they burdened with concerns about the past. They live in the present moment. And it is only in the present that eternity exists.

Self doubt and the fear of failure, which tend to undermine the well-being of so many people, are unknown to the Hunzas.

The Hunzas seem to be completely immune to these kinds of stress-related health problems. They are perfectly adapted to their environment, and to their way of life. In some respects they are like children - happy in the present moment, not worried about the future. But at the same time they possess the wisdom of the sages. We are the mirror of our thoughts. The serenity and vitality of the Hunzas proves that they have attained perfect mastery over their thoughts, and possess what is so sorely lacking among people here in the west: peace of mind.

If you want to know more about them read full article here :

You are holding the right keys Kula .
Long and happy life to you ... to us friends

Love from me

Last edited by mudra; 01-27-2010 at 08:06 PM.
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