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Old 03-22-2009, 12:05 PM   #5
Avalon Senior Member
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Default Re: Nyt se on sitten virallista, olemme terroristeja

Originally Posted by Daria View Post
Eika olla
Tilanne on itseasiassa paljon pahempi kun edellisessä textissä...
Mutta eihän jenkkien tilanteeseen tarvitse kiinnittää huomiota kun elää turvallisessa EU:ssa.
Perustuslaki jos astuu voimaan niin meidät kaikki voidaan laillisesti telottaa kadulla kun osoitamme mieltä EU:ta vastaan, tiesittekö tästä?
Ja EU voi jäädyttää pankkitilimme laillisesti jos jaamme kadulla EU:vastaista materiaalia.
Siis jos esim helsingissä osoitetaan mieltä EU:ta vastaan niin brysselissä voidaan päättää että tänne tulee "teloitusjoukot" lopettamaan mielenosoitukset.

Kannattaa lukea sitä perustuslakia, vaikka siinä on vaan osa...
voi käyttää hakua. Tässä 400 sivua eli n.10% koko perustuslaista.
Ovelasti kirjoitettu, ja usein viitataan muihin kohtiin.
Paljon kansallis sosialismia ja fasismia, mutta ennen kaikkea corporatismia.

sivu. 54
Sivu. 99
sivu. 111

Etsikää itse...

tässä jonesin sivulta pätkä tekstiä..
The Department of Homeland Security and police forces label anyone who they disagree with - or who disagrees with government policies - as “terrorists”.

Don’t believe me?

Well, according to a law school professor, pursuant to the Military Commissions Act, “Anyone who … speaks out against the government’s policies could be declared an ‘unlawful enemy combatant’ and imprisoned indefinitely. That includes American citizens.”

And according to an FBI memo, peace protesters are being labeled as “terrorists”. Indeed, police have been terrorizing children, little old ladies and other “dangerous” people who attempted to peacefully protest.

And a 2003 FBI memo describes protesters’ use of videotaping as an “intimidation” technique, even though - as the ACLU points out - “Most mainstream demonstrators often use videotape during protests to document law enforcement activity and, more importantly, deter police from acting outside the law.” The FBI appears to be objecting to the use of cameras to document unlawful behavior by law enforcement itself.

And the Internet has been labeled as a breeding ground for terrorists, with anyone who questions the government’s versions of history being especially equated with terrorists.

Now, the state of Missouri has labeled as terrorists current Congressman Ron Paul and his supporters, former Congressman Bob Barr, libertarians in general, anyone who holds gold, and a host of other people.

In other words, anyone who disagrees with the “acceptable” way of looking at things is a terrorist.

How is this different from Stalin or Mao’s use of labels such as “enemy of the state”?
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