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Old 12-28-2009, 03:13 AM   #10
Join Date: Sep 2008
Posts: 503
Default Re: I have a simple idea for changing attitudes and consciousness

I had idea that works almost opposite to this, but with similar goal.

What if we stop saying "I love you", unless we really mean it. Too much, we say things out of a sense of obligation, it seems to me, and such words lose their meaning. I think it cheapens it, to be honest.

Just like some people make a conscious effort to eliminate the word "hate" from their vocabularies, maybe it would be good to only use "love" when they really mean it.

As Shairia said "without sincerity it won't work". Same thing here, often times to me anyway, "love" is used as a generic term without meaning.

Some people say "I love you" like its a greeting, or conversation punctuator. That pisses me off, it is BS and phony to me.

Personally, I'd rather SHOW something like this than TELL them.

I dunno, just my 2 cents....
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