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Old 12-06-2009, 06:26 PM   #6
Avalon Senior Member
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Default Re: 21st December 2012 - Nothing will happen?

I'll tell you what, when the Angels even confirm the so called date of Dec 21, 2012 back in 1992, I listened. That was what did it for me. I think outside the fact that Mayan calender established that date, Barbara Hand Clow later wrote about it, but Solara nailed it as far as the 11:11 gateway phenomenon, the Angelic realm was where I found what I would call validation. I also don't argue with Angels.

What was funny was for some darn reason I had spent 5 years previous to 1992 in search for the date where we would go from this paradigm to the next. When the 11:11 shift occurred in 1992, I took notice because my higher self arranged for me to experience that shift. I had no previous knowledge to what was to happen on that day. Matter of fact I was fired from my job the day before and I was fired without a justified reason, just so I would be home to experience it as what bugged me was that I knew I was fired for a higher reason as compared to the one given.

So you could say I received a Mayan, Plejaren, and Angelic correlation as to this date. With the understanding in 1992 that we had 20 basic years to get our stuff together, as far as our inner houses, lessons or whatever baggage issues we had, to get resolved because if you were carrying all this stuff around by the time 2012 came around, you would not be light enough to go through the final gateway.

So for me, I have been on a time table to take care and clear my inner houses and so forth. Along the way, one will find when another gateway would open or clicked into place many more changes would occur. I remember saying to myself that oh, bummer, another twenty years of waiting.

Because the issues that plague us today were the very same issues back then. If anything we are only more aware today then yesterday of those issues. The conditions or the movement of the roller coaster was already set in motion back then. And the only thing anyone could effect was what they did with themselves from within. That hasn't changed. That has always been a constant. The ones that have done the work, because this does take work, will go through the gateway in 2012, or before or after. The date is also a centralized date of a portal opening. The portal is close to opening right now. We are so close. This opening is going to be one of which will open pending on the energy levels that resonate with it. What I am trying to say is that there will be smaller portals opening before and after the date of where the main one will activate. It is like a huge combination lock, where there is a sequence of smaller locks that will open so that we can open the main lock. But now apply that on a Universal scale because that is what is happening and as we approach towards various energy fields in our Galaxy, we will be gathering this energy as we push our way through it till such time where that gathering of energetic mass will stop us in our tracks and all of time will stand still for a brief moment.

Kind of like when a star implodes on itself and there is that brief moment where all is quiet and then kaboom. This is not just about the Planet. This is about our Universe going to go through a rebirth. Earth is the detonator accompanied with Father Sun. The window is here now. There are times when I have seen it and I felt as though all I had to do was reach in and just grab on to something and pull myself into it. It is all around us but can we see it? Will our preoccupations prevent us from seeing it? Preoccupations meaning all the issues that polarize us to divert our attention, whether it be based in love and light, hate and fear, and everything else in between.

When one sheds all these things and come into a state of just BEING, without attaching ourselves to anything inviting or opposing, will we be able to see with the eyes of a child and what is truly around us? Some have already left. More are ready to go. The time is now because as we approach 2012, time is going to speed up as we know it and in these last few years will seem like weeks when we get there. Many are struggling right now. More will because they are so used to this paradigm and cannot let go of their 3D habits and their consistent attitude of entitlement. The more they hang on the more frantic they will get. You can see it in their responses.

The time to worry about them is over. You are only wasting your time if you are trying to wake people up now. Work on what you must do to prepare yourself as such efforts will not be wasted. People have been told that your only answer is to seek within and that is where your salvation sits, waiting. Anything outside of that is a continence of hanging onto the 3D life they find themselves in. It is always your choice.

Choose wisely and God Bless!

Last edited by Gareth; 12-06-2009 at 07:09 PM. Reason: Edited for readability
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