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Old 10-22-2009, 08:34 PM   #73
Avalon Senior Member
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Location: Nicosia, Cyprus
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Default Re: 2012 Ascension or Calamity??

My dear friends, I thought I would put my two cents in as well. This question of ascension or calamity is at the heart of it all! It's the driving force behind our quest and thirst for more and more information concerning the topic of 2012, planet x, the shift in consciousness.......

When this subject matter hit my radar about a year and a half ago, my first reaction was that of fear. I spent many hours contemplating how to survive whatever was coming. I reviewed lists of survivor gear and supplies, looked at different supposedly safe places on the earth to go and hide, contemplated how to build the perfect survival shelter and scared myself silly going into doom and gloom sites that described very well how the earth would blow itself and us up with it.

I'm thankful to say though that I've come a long way in these past few months. I've picked up meditation again. I'm consciously working on becoming a more patient and loving person. I can now say that I can clearly see through the agendas of the ptb. Whereas in the past, I was sleepwalking just like the rest of the 90% of humanity. I'm beginning to realize and experience it in my day to day life, that the shift is already happening! Synchronicities are occurring more and more frequently; no sooner do I think about something, have a question or look for something and the next thing I know the answer is right in front of me. As soon as I stopped thinking about the past or the future concerning my finances and tried to only focus my attention on present matters at hand, whether that be working at my job or admiring the sky, my finances began to improve and my life has stabilized

I’ve realized that our job is not to change the world or cure its ills, no single person can. But I do believe and have read that all it takes is 7 – 10% of humanity to be enlightened in order to tip the scales so that when the time is right, this small minority can take the rest of humanity with them into the 4th and 5th dimensions.

I no longer look toward 2012 with dread and fear; instead I look forward to it with heightened anticipation to be able to achieve an existence beyond our wildest dreams. An existence full of love, peace and endless possibilities.
Finally, I would like to suggest a couple of great sites that support all that I have said:;
Also, Listen to the 3 audio interviews with James of Wingmakers, which can be found at:

Finally, I have great hope and belief that the shift will bring ascension not calamaity. We have a rendezvous with our destiny in 2012. This is what we have been searching for all of our lives and past lives.
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