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Old 03-29-2009, 04:11 PM   #33
In The Mists
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Default Re: Is Alex Jones A Zionist?…Controversy Swirls

This is an excellent time to work to improve ones quality of discernment.

We're sitting smack dab (nod to Chuck Norris) in the middle of the overlapping intersection between paradigms. And I don't mean the mini micro memes within cultures. I mean the Macro paradigm of a universal flavour.

The current dying paradigm has the character of polarization. That's what this has been all about for a very long time.

We're all (every single one of us without exception IMHO) here on classroom earth at this point in time as it is linearly expressed, to resolve the issue of dealing with polarity.

It's understandable that things are stepping up right now, because time is running out at an exponentially accelerating pace, and our host is feeling the effects of the old paradigm enema she has received while suffering the labour pains of the anxious new paradigm already partially birthed. (sorry for the graphics, but....)

It's final exams time on classroom earth, and we're cramming like mad to prepare.

Polarity is about this OR that. The old paradigm is about this OR that. The new paradigm is more about this AND that. It's both. It's compromise. It's cooperation. It's compassion. It's unconditional love. It's understanding without judgement. It's acceptance. It's a lighthearted attitude. It's re-centering from the ego to the heart. From the mind (HMS in James speak) to the heart. From the thinking to the feeling. From "us and them" to simply "us" and ultimately "I".

The idea was to work out all of these things in an orderly manner over enough time that we could proceed comfortably in our progress. But that would have been too small a challenge, so we let it go until the last possible second and now we rush to integrate millenia worth of learning into a few short years while time speeds up towards the point of multi dimensional, non-linear expression as is the norm in the new paradigm.

What remains of our issues in polarity/duality, has the strongest manifestation now, than it's had for some long time. And confusion and doubt can set in because we're steeped in 3D while multi dimension reality is opening up for us on a daily basis. The two realities are completely incongruous. Oil and water.

The Illuminati, and hyper controlling government are impossible where we're headed. Well where some, and hopefully most of us are headed. We don't have to proceed to the next level of play if we're not ready. We can put ourselves "back a year" for failure to practice due diligence while in class in this "go round".

That said, this notion that Alex Jones and Ron Paul are part of the fifth column, secretly working to prolong our enslavement, is simply nonsense. They are simply part of the laxative, as opposed to the midwife. Both are needed, as you can't birth a new baby with a laxative, and I don't think any midwife would like to help birth a (fill in your own graphic).

Krishnamurti said (and correctly, I believe) that "we are the world, and the world is us".

There are no external conflicts. There are only manifestations of internal conflicts. All the evil doers in the world are our teachers right now.

We've hit the snooze button for so long now, that the pace needed to integrate and absorb what we came here to learn is truly daunting.

Of course, we can do it. There is literally nothing we can't do. There is nothing we can't be.

The only place conflict is possible, is within ourselves. And then we project it onto external situations. That's because looking requires some distance. We can't see what exists at the point we occupy. we must either "step" outside of our situation and examine it, or externalize our situation so we can examine it. And of course we can observe others externalizations, but they would simply never manifest for us, if we didn't have that situation as an issue ourselves.

There is no "them" doing anything to "us". There is simply "us" taking on different roles for the benefit of one anothers explorations into how to resolve polarity with love, compassion, non-judgement, and nothing but win-win.

Alex Jones isn't a "them". There is no them.

The more of us that come to grips with that, the smoother the transition.

But somebody has to sound the alarm so all us sleepy heads will notice it's final exam time.

Originally Posted by Dominic View Post
Alex Jones is telling the truth, HOWEVER, he is working for the Illuminati and is part of the conspiracy against us, by their use of the Fifth Column. Jones, Naomi Wolf, Michael Jones and Ron Paul are working for the Illuminati in very clever ways....and operation. These people at the top are very smart when it comes to tricking the people Its their business. Be careful with these truth prophets. They creating what they want.
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