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Old 10-07-2008, 05:15 PM   #6
Avalon Senior Member
Join Date: Sep 2008
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Posts: 86
Default Re: All's quiet today (relatively)

Its October 7th...

and its a beautiful day in Los Angeles... thats the best surprise of all.

We have decided that none shall prevail against our City of Angels.

Reality is what one makes of it... and this fine day I feel like spoutin' a few platitudes!:

Fear only leads to anger... Anger leads to hate... and hate is the path to the darkside.

This forum is like an onion.... when you peel away the layers, you cry.

I think that perhaps some people are actually turned on by false, fear based prophecies like that of Dr. Doom Deagle.

This is why I am leaving the forum... not enough useful information... just speculative fear & conjecture spreading like a SoCal wildfire during Santa Anna winds...

PS: Where the hell is the Robert Dean interview? Obviously his message was too positive and therefore deemed "Not Newsworthy." Does this beg the question as to the motives of K & B's information filtration tactics? Are they trying to paint a certain picture? And if so, why? HMMMMM... Could they be under subtle subconscious orders to turn lightworkers into wide eyed fear junkies... thus, disempowering them?
Are they being presented with an ever expanding parade of disinformation agents?
Once one has the big picture of the falacitic properties of living in the fear frequency, do the answers to the afforementioned questions even matter?

This is why I am setting sail for greener pastures.
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