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Old 10-31-2009, 10:09 PM   #94
Avalon Senior Member
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Default Re: The Phoenix Journals

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October 30, 2009

Also called “The Laws of Balance”

LAWS # 16-18

16. You must do unto others as you

would have them do unto you. Also

called “The Golden Rule”.

The GOLDEN Rule. How true it is that if ones would really think about how they treat one another, and consider that they are ALL ONE, that most of your petty “perceived” differences would dissolve. Ask yourself how you, when you honor the spirit of God within, truly like to be treated by others.

Here is a start for you: With respect, with reverence, with honor, with worthiness, with enthusiasm, with patience, with tolerance and understand*ing, with forgiveness, with kindness and courtesy, with caring, with appreci*ation, with generosity, with interest in your conversa*tion, with love, with considera*tion, with honesty and integrity, with trust, with friendship and with harmony.

Now, do you treat others in the same ways described above, HOW you would like to be treated? Do you even treat yourself in the same ways de*scribed above? If YOU do not even HONOR yourself, how do you ex*pect to receive HONOR and respect from OTHERS? Treat others honor*ably and with in*tegrity, kindness and tolerance and EXPECT that they will treat you the same. If they DO NOT treat you with the same respect, HONOR yourself enough to recog*nize their transgression, call it to their attention and then leave their presence.

And Jesus Immanuel told the people: “Ask and it shall be given unto you; seek and you shall find; knock and it shall be opened unto you. For he who asks of his spirit, receives, and he who seeks through the power of spirit, finds and he who knocks at the door of his spirit, to him it will be opened.”

“Who is there among you who, if his son asked him for bread would give him a stone? Or, if he asked you for a fish would you offer him a serpent? Therefore, if you, even though you are being wicked, can still give your chil*dren good gifts, how much more will your spirit give unto you if you request it?” (End Quote).

The spirit of God within you always gives you what you need if you but put aside your “altered” ego and humbly commune with YOUR SPIRIT. All the power of The Father exists within you to give unto you that which YOUR SPIRIT needs to lovingly sustain life and give joy, fulfillment, and inner peace. You only need but ask the FATHER WITHIN to show you, to tell you, to give you that which YOU NEED to SUSTAIN in HIS SER*VICE, that ofLIGHT, OF LOVE, OF JOY. IN ALL THINGS THY (HIS) WILL BE DONE!

There is a saying, “Be careful what you ask for, YOU JUST MIGHT GET IT.” Ah, this saying gives recognition to YOUR power of manifes*tation, and how, when you selfishly view life from the FOG of the “Altered” Ego, you may not truly under*stand what yourSPIRIT within needs. You may be un*pleasantly surprised at what the “altered” Ego conjures up for you as conse*quence of denying THE WILL OF THE FA*THER WITHIN YOU!

17. Evil (Adversaries of God) must always

wear a sign of their evil*ness. (By their

fruits ye shall know them).

One of the biggest “signs” of the evil ones is their HYPOCRISY: “1. The pretence (pretending) of having feelings or characteristics which one does not possess, especially deceit*ful presumption of virtue. 2. One who pretends to be pious and virtuous without really being so.”

Immanuel spoke to the people in “And They called His Name Im*manuel: I Am Sananda” and said: “Woe unto you scribes and Pharisees, you hyp*ocrites who keep cups and bowls out*wardly clean yet inside they are full of rapacious*ness and greed. First you must purify that which is inside the cup so that what is on the outside also becomes, and re*mains, pure. So you, too, ap*pear Godly and good in front of people, but inwardly you are full of hypocrisy and false*hood and violations. Woe unto you hypocrites who build tombs for the prophets and adorn the graves of the just, and speak: ‘If we had been at the time of our fathers, we would not have become guilty with them, in the shedding of the prophet’s blood.’ ...Therefore, you ful*fill the measure of your fathers, since you end your life without un*derstanding, and you will have trouble learning in the future. You gen*eration of vipers, how can you be great in spirit without having any understanding? All the just blood which was shed through you, on Earth, will come back to you, begin*ning with the first prophet whom your fa*thers and forefa*thers murdered, to the blood of Azcharias, the son of Barachjas whom you have killed between the temple and the altar, and therefore, all the blood of the future which will be shed will be of your own accountability. Ver*ily, verily I say to you, all this shall come upon you, and upon your race, for a very long time yet to come and pass.” (End Quote).

So you will find that hypocrisy does not belong to the kingdom of GOD. The ones who declare their spiritual wealth, piety and richness, who de*clare themselves chosen simply be*cause they belong to this or that religion or race are fools and they are hyp*ocrites because what they outwardly say they are and be*lieve in, and what they actually “secretly” think and do are most often quite dif*ferent.

And Jesus the Christ Immanuel gives us more “signs” to help us recog*nize the evil ones:

“Beware of false prophets and scribes who come in to you in sheep’s cloth*ing, but inside they are like raving wolves, and preach to you humility and shrines, false deities and gods, and preach to you of hu*mility to idols and false teachings.


“You shall recognize these ones by the fruit they bear. Can a person gather grapes from the thorns, and figs from the thistles? Therefore, every good tree brings forth good fruit, but a bad tree brings forth wicked fruit. A good tree cannot bring forth wicked fruit and a bad tree can*not bring forth good fruit. Therefore, BY THEIR FRUIT SHALL YOU KNOW THEM.” (End Quote).

You ones who faithfully have believed your “Holy” Bible to be written in purity from God will, by now, most undoubtedly be, at the very least, curi*ous about “how” and “why” thissabotage of THE Truth has been al*lowed to occur.

So we will tell you: it occurred that even at the time when the one known as “Moses” lived, that the religious/empire leaders became most jubilant when pre*sented by Moses with the Commandments given by GOD. The rea*son: because THEY became the self-appointed CRE*ATORS and EN*FORCERS of THEIR interpretations OF GOD’s Laws. You see, they discov*ered that by the careful manipulation and interpretation of these “laws” (such as remov*ing any refer*ences to “reincarnation” from the scriptures) they then could maintain a much more effec*tive level of con*trol and discipline OVER the peo*ple they ruled. In other words, THEY would stand between GOD the Father WITHIN and the people, which left them (the people) power*less and at the mercy of these cun*ning and deceit*ful “leaders”. These malicious deceivers are still among you and through their greed, treachery and manipulation, THEY control much of your world socio-economically, politically and even geo-physically...even this day.

In addition to the signs to look for in the words and deeds of others you must first also rec*ognize the “signs” of the Anti-Christ within you. Please see the document, “How To Recog*nize The Anti-Christ (Against God) Within You”, within this Journal.

Remember this, you ones who are “faithful and true”, with your sincere commitment to the development and trust of your HOLY SPIRIT WITHIN, will be given the knowledge of Truth and the Spiritual Wis*dom of God and The Creation in order to sustain you always in balance and service to THE ONENESS OF ALL.

18. You must not commit the act of

slavery upon any human being of God.

This means you must not DEMAND by force and fear to con*trol, confine, use, or manip*ulate another human being to do any service or work for you, against their will, without giving them FAIR compensation. This also means that you cannot BUY or SELL another human be*ing as if he/she were a prod*uct YOU own. This includes YOUR CHILDREN. Babies and children are not “products” to be created, such as by “in-vitro” fertiliza*tion, or given to be birthed by a “surrogate” mother. If a couple are unable to physically pro-cre*ate, then they have a choice: they can ADOPT a homeless or unwanted child, or they can choose not to be par*ents at all. ADOPTION of another’s un*wanted or parentless child is one of the most LOVING and UN*SELFISH acts any compe*tent and caring couple could do in ser*vice to GOD. Not all cou*ples are or were meant to pro-create! It is not punishment from God. It is the re*sponsibility of any “barren” loving couple to recognize that pro-creation is not their function at this time. But if they desire children, then they must un*derstand what an HONOR it is to accept the nurturing care of one of GOD’s children who has no one else to love him/her!

One of the most painful and degrading terms you humans have labeled those children who are born “out of wedlock” is “bastard” (which means il*legitimate according to HUMAN LAW). YOU must now KNOW that in GOD’s kingdom THERE ARE NO BASTARDS. These “born out of wedlock” children are as precious to God as any other child born with “married” parents.

Then there have been many of you humans who have throughout history claimed superior*ity or inferiority because of color or race. The feeling a hu*man has of so-called “genetic” su*periority exists within the mind of the HU*MAN who wishes to control and dominate and en*slave other humans of dif*ferentrace or color than he is. For example, many of the Germans under the one called “Hitler” believed that the “pure” Caucasian was far superior ge*netically, men*tally, and physically to ALL other races. They believed in keeping the race pure by not inter-breeding with other so-called inferior races. Also, many of the so-called “Jews” are taught and believe that their “race” is CHOSEN of GOD over all others and so they believe that they are superior. In America as in Europe, “black” or “dark” hu*mans were believed infe*rior and were made SLAVES to the “whites”.

Don’t you see, “the evil powers that be” are CREATING and ENCOUR*AGING prejudice of others who are “different” than they are in culture and skin so that they can CONTROL the per*ceived “lessor” ones. Throughout the world through your media and government policies, the seed of racial un*rest, dissension and prejudice is specifically planted, nurtured and allowed to bear the bitter fruit of hatred and resentment and is thus continu*ally perpet*uated so that YOU people will not BECOME UNITED! By keeping you sepa*rated, by creat*ing for you sup*pression of various groups, THEY keep you at war with one an*other while THEY execute THEIR plans for TOTAL domina*tion over ALL of you.

So, is it against THE LAWS OF GOD for a man and a woman of differ*ent races or colors to marry and bear children? OF COURSE NOT! THE GE*NETIC CORRUPTION OF YOUR HUMAN SPECIES OCCURS SPECIFI*CALLY BE*CAUSE OF THE DIS-EASE WITHIN THE SPIRI*TUALLY WEAK AND COR*RUPTED BEINGS WHO PRO-CREATE, NOT BE*CAUSE OF THEIR COLOR! Each SOUL is a fragment of God. Whatever race or color of the body that the soul chooses to incarnate in makes NO difference whatso*ever to GOD. Only Human falsely chooses to create and delineate “features” or “traits” of racial superior*ity/inferiority.

In Service to The Divine Light of Wisdom and Truth of Our Creator, Aton and The Cre*ation WE are:


Lord Michael



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