Thread: The free soul
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Old 08-25-2009, 05:09 PM   #1
Avalon Spiritual Mother
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Default The free soul

The free soul

This plane is a dual one . As far as you look you 'll find it's made out of dichotomies.
This is a great learning lab for the soul as the multiplicity of opposite viewpoints it comes in contact with makes the experience varied and interesting.
Due to the nature of the game we spend time after time rejoicing in the glory of our victories or succumbing to the pain of our losses.
Loss bring fear and doubts and glory short lived self satisfactions.
As this goes on.. and it can be quite captivating at times .. we can easily get lost into the game and tend to forget the key we carry all along that will open the gates to inner peace and thus the next plane.
And at the same time this is very stimulating process for the soul.
If you look sincerely back on your life you 'll see that the lessons you learned came both from " good " things and " bad" things .
Soul is your foundation . It's not your body , your name or your mind. Soul is wholeness and soul is without judgement. Soul observes what is .
It's a paradox for a soul that is wholeness to come on this dichotomic plane that has sides . Some distortion needs to be added for this . How do you become two when in reality you are One ? By stepping from heart to mind. If we are judging things or people , we are negating or condemning an expression of reality. Whenever we do this we become self short circuited , limited ,and a non free being because we have just created an attachment that allows us no choice . We have then created our own prison.. but we still have the key. We can become free by letting others be free and by changing our thinkings , attitudes and actions. Freedom of expression is a universal right . A right to all beings .. free or not. When a right is violated you usually get strife which can lead to violence. You also have the responsability of honoring another's freedom of expression.
As we do this we will gradually step back into our Heart enriched by our experience and be who we really are .Soul is Love . Soul is unity.
All of us are sawing seeds . When a white seed or a black seed falls into the Heart it finds fertile soil to grow into independant of it's color.All manifestations have value .As we grow back to full soul realization we will see that on our way up there each of us has been pupil and teacher in the process at the same time.
As long as we will see things as good and bad we will miss the Heart of things.
Heart is who we really are.
We as wholeness of soul and Heart are the next dimension.

Adapted from a text of L.Arklinsky and my own thoughts on the freedom of the soul as I have come to understand it.

Love always

Last edited by mudra; 08-25-2009 at 05:36 PM.
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