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sentinel2107 09-28-2008 04:57 PM

Lets pin down our beliefs first
What exactly does this "ground crew" here believe is going to happen in 2012? I would like to have your views on this. Did you watch John Lear's interview? He rubbishes the natural catastrophe theory. Bob Dean contends that it will be a "Major Contact."

storm4ce 09-29-2008 04:00 AM

Re: Lets pin down our beliefs first
I see the economic collapse followed by a move towards war and a revolt in america, which will only be there for a short time, lasting not longer than mid or max to the end 2009. Obviously in the mean time, more people will be exposed to the truth. I believe that we will have earth changes starting to occur from or after the mid of 2009. Thats the time we may have to look for safe places.

sam41 09-29-2008 07:04 AM

Re: Lets pin down our beliefs first
hello sentinal2107 welcome:original:
i believe financial crisis is gonna hit soon but don't believe in 2012 or planet x
its hard to come to a conclusion with all the contradicting views
we are getting

sentinel2107 09-29-2008 02:35 PM

Re: Lets pin down our beliefs first
hi there sammy boy!:original:

I, on my part, am not very convinced upon the "End of Days" theory. Having said that, it will be really interesting following the possible global developments in terms of financial crisis etc as we head towards 2012. Very shortly, it will become clearer how right (or wrong) the "whistle-blowers" and other interviewees were.

If there IS a major catastrophe, I think it is better to perish and start another life-cycle in another realm than to search for a safe place to hole up in, for, believe me, in that scenario, you would not like to life in the world that emerges.

Then again, I may change my tune if events start unfolding in that very direction. But in that case, it would be really good if things are planned out on a scale which can result in a sustainable "village" community. Which means dedication, involvement and support of a very large number of people. It just doesnt make sense for a small motely group to hole up to ride out the crises, only to find themselves in a world in which they no longer fit.

BTW, what do you think the "hits" on this site would have been, had there been no prophecy about the "End of Days," but only matter related government conspiracies and hidden secrets and financial crises?

storm4ce 09-29-2008 03:42 PM

Re: Lets pin down our beliefs first

Originally Posted by sentinel2107 (Post 31680)
If there IS a major catastrophe, I think it is better to perish and start another life-cycle in another realm than to search for a safe place to hole up in, for, believe me, in that scenario, you would not like to life in the world that emerges.

:mfr_omg: I never accept and never support this kind of statement from any person. If we can't fight for our lifes then thats really is a shame. Remove the fear in you and be responsible for whatever happens in your life. Don't ever let someone else take over you. Ask these yourselves -"Why in this world I'm can't live my life for my wish? Who are the NWO,etc, etc, crooked @#$% people to control my life?" - because they have no rights over you life, not anyone's life. We control our future. Be responsible and positive.

sentinel2107 09-29-2008 06:42 PM

Re: Lets pin down our beliefs first
Great positive thoughts stormy! I appreciate that. I guess you are in your twenties. Good hot blood (No I am not joking) :original:

Okay, lets discuss one point first and get it out of the way by just having opinions on it:

Don't you think that one should know when one is beaten? I am talking two cases here:
1. A possible global scale catastrophe
2. A global conspiracy by manipulatory secret societies to keep us all ignorant of the truth (consider that this has been going on for hundreds of years, and they are VERY WELL entrenched)

storm4ce 09-30-2008 12:31 AM

Re: Lets pin down our beliefs first

Originally Posted by sentinel2107 (Post 31989)
I guess you are in your twenties. Good hot blood (No I am not joking)

Remember most of the whistleblowers, Alex Jones, Congressmen like Dr.Ron paul, none of them are young. You can also check out people in this forum. It is because they are out there for the good, for not just their lives but for the humanity. It is who they are and what their age is now that matters. It is what they do that defines them and gives meaning to their life today. My life is such a worthy one for me. It just can't be left to someone else to decide things on my life. Thats all I can say. Rest is upto you.

Today 700bn$ bailout has become a failure. This is a good thing I was hoping to happen. Just this bailout drama alone has awakened many people in America. I'm so happy and I hope its the same for the American people since the neo-con's monopoly plans have failed and money is saved. The crisis is making people become aware of the case 2.

sentinel2107 09-30-2008 03:48 AM

Re: Lets pin down our beliefs first
Okay, you got me! And, again, don't get me wrong. I apprecite your positive approach.

Can you elaborate how the failure of the bailout will make people aware of case 2. Should't it be just the opposite?

sentinel2107 09-30-2008 12:42 PM

Re: Lets pin down our beliefs first
If one plans for the worst case scenario, the plan can always be toned down for "better case scenarios." So lets assume that massive global changes are going to occur in 2012. What options do we have. The prime considerations for survival are shelter, food and clothing, in that order in terms of the immediacy of requirements.

Question 1: Assuming that there will be a major rise in sea level, where do you think it is safe to hole up in. Is the (more stable) Deccan plateau high enough, or does one head for the Himalayas (tectonically more active)? The legendary Noah's Ark was supposed to have landed on the top of a mountain (some claim the Ararat in Turkey - more than 5 km above sea level)

sam41 09-30-2008 02:58 PM

Re: Lets pin down our beliefs first
hello sentinal2107

i dont think deccan plateau is going to be safe take a look at this link



i'm considering any place that is above 2500 feet of elevation and i also want to stay away from major rivers moving into tibetan plateau is possible for us
but as george green says we might be exposed to radiation we must also
consider stable source of food and fresh water

maybe we should consider joining with others in asia since there isn't many of us left here.

storm4ce 09-30-2008 03:53 PM

Re: Lets pin down our beliefs first
Yes, the indo-australian plate is stable but not safe for water. I don't think that radiation is gonna be that much a problem, unless we have a large scale war.

This thread has good maps. And this link also is from thread, which has a quicktime movie showing the globe with various levels of sea water rising.

sentinel2107 09-30-2008 04:13 PM

Re: Lets pin down our beliefs first
So, stormy and sammy, based on your "research" (u guys obviously have been at it for some time), do u think the Himalayas are a safe option?

Question 2: On this location X, what can/should be the mode of shelter. Definitely not buildings made up of bricks/stones. What about caves?

sam41 09-30-2008 05:09 PM

Re: Lets pin down our beliefs first
finding a shelter might be a problem sentinal
i was actually considering joining the monks in nepal or tibet before a couple of months ago atleast i will gain some spritiual knowledge when the entire civilization goes down:biggrin2:

sentinel2107 09-30-2008 05:28 PM

Re: Lets pin down our beliefs first

Originally Posted by sam41 (Post 33132)
finding a shelter might be a problem sentinal
i was actually considering joining the monks in nepal or tibet before a couple of months ago atleast i will gain some spritiual knowledge when the entire civilization goes down:biggrin2:

:original:Thats a nice idea, sammy!
However, at the risk of repeating myself, I am referring to a possible community (group of people with complementary skills) which can survive out the "ordeal" and progress thereafter as a self-sustaining community.
So, for the sake of laying out a plan, lets first have a formulary for the "shelter" aspect of things.
If the Decccan is a no-no, then it is the Himalayas (it lies on a tectonic fault, BTW) which remains, assuming that we stay within the country.
And, again, where do we hole up in during the "transition" period -- in caves? Do realise that, eventually, the community will need a walled enclosure (sort of a fortification) for security and settling down.
Views please!

storm4ce 10-06-2008 01:43 AM

Re: Lets pin down our beliefs first

Originally Posted by sentinel2107 (Post 33148)
If the Decccan is a no-no, then it is the Himalayas (it lies on a tectonic fault, BTW) which remains, assuming that we stay within the country.

Himalayas on our country side doesn't seem to be a good place. We have 2 great rivers and melting ice may also be a problem. Tibet has always been a good place, so can be considered as one option.


Originally Posted by sentinel2107 (Post 33148)
the community will need a walled enclosure

Yes. So we have to find a place with vegetation, rather than caves.

storm4ce 10-07-2008 03:35 AM

Re: Lets pin down our beliefs first
October 5th - around 19.30 hrs IST - I was lying on the beach looking at the stars. I suddenly saw a falling star or meteroid or.... I don't know what it was. It was traveling so fast. It was just like, a star in the sky was moving. When I noticed it, it was nearly straight above me and I saw it move to almost half way to horizon, then it started diminish and gone. I have never seen something like this once before during my school days. But this was awesome. I was stunned by this

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