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Tramik 07-26-2009 08:15 PM

Dr. Steven Greer, Disinfo Agent? Details Please!
From the Camelot website.
"On Dr Steven Greer:

We listened to his presentation today and learned that he is stating to the world that the secret government has no ongoing dealings with any ET races -- the worst kind of disinfo. He is also telling people that ALL ETs and interdimensionals are positively oriented -- in other words STO (service-to-others) -- and this is also false. Many are friendly... but some are hostile.

The trouble with this type of approach is that it leaves the fate of Earth and humanity vulnerable to take over and interference by races who do not have our best interests in mind (or heart). In doing so, he ignores the critical issue of sovereignty for humanity and this planet within the galactic community.

We do not agree with Greer's position and consider this dangerous and insidious.

As a final statement, we were disappointed to learn that our interview request was declined by him: it would have been an interesting and valuable conversation.


I'm disappointed to say the least.

If Kerry or Bill get the time, I would like them to supply further details. I want to get the facts straight before I kick this guy in the nuts. Pardon my language.

gemgal46 07-26-2009 08:24 PM

Re: Dr. Steven Greer, Disinfo Agent? Details Please!
Where is this on the website?

333mark333 07-26-2009 08:40 PM

Re: Dr. Steven Greer, Disinfo Agent? Details Please!
Steven Greer and death threats.....:( maybe my intuition was right about him, or maybe another disinformation ploy??

At the close of the Barcelona Exopolitics Summit, there was a near riot in the auditorium when several dozen Spanish delegates tried to take the stage to announce that three of them, working on a Free Energy device, had received death threats from Steven Greer.

We do not know the truth of these allegations but I (Bill) recorded two of them on dictaphone and I can confirm that they were both frightened and extremely angry and upset. The conference organizers, perhaps understandably, did not want the close of the conference to be disrupted and so they were not allowed to speak.

Northern Boy 07-26-2009 08:59 PM

Re: Dr. Steven Greer, Disinfo Agent? Details Please!

Seashore 07-26-2009 09:04 PM

Re: Dr. Steven Greer, Disinfo Agent? Details Please!

Originally Posted by Tramik (Post 156140)
...I want to get the facts straight before I kick this guy in the nuts. Pardon my language.

Perhaps Dr. Steven Greer is the target of specific mind control techniques.

Wormhole 07-26-2009 09:08 PM

Re: Dr. Steven Greer, Disinfo Agent? Details Please!
Actually, it sounds like a character attack on Greer himself. I believe he has never had a negative experience, and so does not believe in negative ET's. I honestly do not know if he is right or wrong. I've never had a negative experience either, though I've been afraid due to my own social background. It does seem a sweeping statement, and somewhat illogical. I believe that these races are a mixed bag, with mixed agendas (just like we are).

As to sending death threats... That just does not seem to resonate with the truth at all. He has been supporting alternative and free energy for twenty years. I seriously doubt that he has ever issued a death threat to anybody.

As I said, it seems like a character attack. That is to be expected. When people are close to the "Big Picture" they are threatened and discredited.

Peace of Mind,

tone3jaguar 07-26-2009 09:15 PM

Re: Dr. Steven Greer, Disinfo Agent? Details Please!
The guy has a company that is specifically designed to enable people to get free energy technology into the media and market without being bought off or killed. I think what you where seeing there was an alternative media version of Jerry Springer. Lets see how this would go...

Black Ops Dooshbag Boss: How can we cast doubt into the minds of people that this guy Steven Greer that is effectively our arch nemesis is actually one of us.

Black Ops Dooshbag employee: I know, lets buy out that group of spanish people we have been watching and give them some extra money if they pull a Jerry Springer scene at a public conference.

Black Ops Dooshbag Boss: That is simple and brilliant, how come I did not think of that.

Wormhole 07-26-2009 09:18 PM

Re: Dr. Steven Greer, Disinfo Agent? Details Please!

jaby 07-26-2009 09:19 PM

Re: Dr. Steven Greer, Disinfo Agent? Details Please!

Originally Posted by 333mark333 (Post 156143)
Steven Greer and death threats.....:( maybe my intuition was right about him, or maybe another disinformation ploy??

At the close of the Barcelona Exopolitics Summit, there was a near riot in the auditorium when several dozen Spanish delegates tried to take the stage to announce that three of them, working on a Free Energy device, had received death threats from Steven Greer.

We do not know the truth of these allegations but I (Bill) recorded two of them on dictaphone and I can confirm that they were both frightened and extremely angry and upset. The conference organizers, perhaps understandably, did not want the close of the conference to be disrupted and so they were not allowed to speak.

This is a very serious allegation to make. I presume that you
didn't record the 'death threats'...and only recorded the reaction
of the said people. Who could have been lying/acting?


I don't see how Greer could be a disinfo agent. This would
mean that the 400+ whistleblowers in the Disclosure Project
would also have to be lying....for it to make any sense. But even
that doesn't make sense because of the massive impact that the
Disclosure Project has had...unless it was to help soften up the public
for Official Disclosure..? Which if true, and I'm not saying it is, just
analysing it....if true would be a step in the right direction, anyway.

On the link...provided by Northern Boy..the July 26 entry says
that Greer has now agreed to an interview.

At the moment I'm putting all this down to the high emotions that
must be a daily experience for people 'in the thick of it'....

What it seems to boil down to is that Greer believes ALL ET to
be benign and Kerry believes that NOT ALL ET are benign.

Anyway...hopefully all this will get ironed out, one way or another
in the Camelot interview with Greer.

Tramik 07-26-2009 09:19 PM

Re: Dr. Steven Greer, Disinfo Agent? Details Please!

Originally Posted by Wormhole (Post 156148)
Actually, it sounds like a character attack on Greer himself. I believe he has never had a negative experience, and so does not believe in negative ET's.

I can't side with that. As a doctor he would understand the importance of research and understanding. By that definition he is either down right stupid for not doing research into a topic he apparently knows lots about, or he's just down right ignorant. We have to be prepared to accept the fact he could have changed sides, for any given reasons.

Either way, I think this is very interesting. That would actually explain why the Disclosure Project has become more or less obsolete.

Tramik 07-26-2009 09:23 PM

Re: Dr. Steven Greer, Disinfo Agent? Details Please!

Originally Posted by jaby (Post 156153)
I don't see how Greer could be a disinfo agent. This would
mean that the 400+ whistleblowers in the Disclosure Project
would also have to be lying....for it to make any sense.

No. Steven Greer was just the host. The testimony of the individuals can still be true. If he is a traitor that doesn't automatically make people he's associated with in the same boat.

If you disagree, I would like to hear an explanation as to why. Do you have evidence that the people who have testified are lying? please provide it.

jaby 07-26-2009 09:24 PM

Re: Dr. Steven Greer, Disinfo Agent? Details Please!

Originally Posted by seashore (Post 156147)
Perhaps Dr. Steven Greer is the target of specific mind control techniques.

That is a point to consider.

But I think that more likely it is an out and out character
assassination job....regarding the alleged 'death threats'.

Northern Boy 07-26-2009 09:24 PM

Re: Dr. Steven Greer, Disinfo Agent? Details Please!
Mark didn`t if you reread the post you will see that Bill makes that statement go here


State of the Planet
The Project Camelot Blog

26 July 2009 - update

• At the close of the Barcelona Exopolitics Summit, there was a near riot in the auditorium when several dozen Spanish delegates tried to take the stage to announce that three of them, working on a Free Energy device, had received death threats from Steven Greer.

We do not know the truth of these allegations but I (Bill) recorded two of them on dictaphone and I can confirm that they were both frightened and extremely angry and upset. The conference organizers, perhaps understandably, did not want the close of the conference to be disrupted and so they were not allowed to speak.

A number of them have asked Project Camelot for help and so publishing this summary report is our first step while we investigate this further.

it goes on to say this after already turning down the chance to be interviewed

26 July 2009

• Events are indeed moving and changing fast. We have just recorded our Futuretalk with Bob Dean, Alfred Webre, and Henry Deacon (real name Arthur)... and are about to begin an on-camera interview with Steven Greer which we have just arranged.

Now if Bill has recorded these allegations then it does become a legal matter hence Steven has now agreed to be interviewed ........... Damage Control or are they (Spaniards)trying to discredit him ?

Seashore 07-26-2009 09:30 PM

Re: Dr. Steven Greer, Disinfo Agent? Details Please!

Originally Posted by Tramik (Post 156140)

From the Camelot website.
"On Dr Steven Greer:

We listened to his presentation today and learned that he is stating to the world that the secret government has no ongoing dealings with any ET races -- the worst kind of disinfo...

This could have nothing to do with a character assasination attempt, no?

Wormhole 07-26-2009 09:30 PM

Re: Dr. Steven Greer, Disinfo Agent? Details Please!
Honestly, the statement that he "believes all Et's to be friendly" is what needs to be proven here. Anyone care to back that statement up with proof?

I recall Greer teaching others to raise their level of awareness in order to filter in higher beings of consciousness. This is very different then say ALL aliens are friendly. I've heard him talk about greys and plfs and excluding them from his personal contacts from beings of high dimensional frequency.

I believe that when he says (or if he ever said) "they are all friendly" that he is discussing his many positive contacts who are ready to make an effort to bring mankind into a galactic society. At least, this is my understanding of him, his work, and from countless interviews I've seen and read from him.

Peace of Mind,

The idea that the government has no dealings simply discredits all of his work to date. It's simply not true. He would never say that. Show me.

333mark333 07-26-2009 09:32 PM

Re: Dr. Steven Greer, Disinfo Agent? Details Please!

Originally Posted by jaby (Post 156153)
This is a very serious allegation to make. I presume that you
didn't record the 'death threats'...and only recorded the reaction
of the said people. Who could have been lying/acting?


I don't see how Greer could be a disinfo agent. This would
mean that the 400+ whistleblowers in the Disclosure Project
would also have to be lying....for it to make any sense. But even
that doesn't make sense because of the massive impact that the
Disclosure Project has had...unless it was to help soften up the public
for Official Disclosure..? Which if true, and I'm not saying it is, just
analysing it....if true would be a step in the right direction, anyway.

On the link...provided by Northern Boy..the July 26 entry says
that Greer has now agreed to an interview.

At the moment I'm putting all this down to the high emotions that
must be a daily experience for people 'in the thick of it'....

What it seems to boil down to is that Greer believes ALL ET to
be benign and Kerry believes that NOT ALL ET are benign.

Anyway...hopefully all this will get ironed out, one way or another
in the Camelot interview with Greer.

Dude........im the medium of Bill's message!! your hanging the wrong guy here.......this is on camelot.

jaby 07-26-2009 09:33 PM

Re: Dr. Steven Greer, Disinfo Agent? Details Please!

Originally Posted by Tramik (Post 156156)
No. Steven Greer was just the host. The testimony of the individuals can still be true. If he is a traitor that doesn't automatically make people he's associated with in the same boat.

If you disagree, I would like to hear an explanation as to why. Do you have evidence that the people who have testified are lying? please provide it.

I don't think he is a traitor. I'm just analyising it.
It wouldn't make sense for a 'traitor' to host such a thing.

I don't think the people giving testimony in the Disclosure Project
are lying. Although..analyising it again...one or two disinfo agents
MIGHT have slipped in. Although all the ones I've seen come over
as genuine and honest.

The DP was a defining moment for me when I came across it 2 years
ago...jawdropping stuff. It set off a dramatic learning curve for me.

333mark333 07-26-2009 09:35 PM

Re: Dr. Steven Greer, Disinfo Agent? Details Please!
Regarding his ET statement.......this is highly suspect imo. Anyhow Disclosure was massive then it kinda dropped off...........is there a chance Greer was made privy to certain information and now has a different take on ETs and disclosure and the Time-Line.

Northern Boy 07-26-2009 09:36 PM

Re: Dr. Steven Greer, Disinfo Agent? Details Please!
Correct mark I have posted the link and what bill stated above highlighting the fact he did record 2 threats on dictaphone. Did he know Bill and Kerry had these allegations recorded and is that why he turned down the interview only agreeing after the allegations were reveled at the conference ?

Tramik 07-26-2009 09:38 PM

Re: Dr. Steven Greer, Disinfo Agent? Details Please!

Originally Posted by jaby (Post 156164)
I don't think he is a traitor. I'm just analyising it.
It wouldn't make sense for a 'traitor' to host such a thing.

That's really the question... did he jump ship before or after the DP? And it still makes sense for them to host such a thing because they like having people on the inside, but who knows?

I cannot accept that he actually thinks all ETs are "good", for various reasons. Anybody who has done any research knows there are bad ETs as well as good - and why wouldn't there be? That's my Kerry has labeled it as disinfo, because he is not accurately portraying the information, knowingly or not he is no longer striving for truth.

333mark333 07-26-2009 09:38 PM

Re: Dr. Steven Greer, Disinfo Agent? Details Please!

Originally Posted by Northern Boy (Post 156166)
Correct mark I have posted the link and what bill stated above highlighting the fact he did record 2 threats on dictaphone

Thanks my Northern friend...:)

jaby 07-26-2009 09:41 PM

Re: Dr. Steven Greer, Disinfo Agent? Details Please!

Originally Posted by seashore (Post 156161)
This could have nothing to do with a character assasination attempt, no?

Yes it could...theoretically....


Originally Posted by 333mark333 (Post 156163)
Dude........im the medium of Bill's message!! your hanging the wrong guy here.......this is on camelot.



Originally Posted by Northern Boy (Post 156166)
Correct mark I have posted the link and what bill stated above highlighting the fact he did record 2 threats on dictaphone

No....he said...he recorded the reaction of the people who alleged
to have had death threats made against them. NOT the death threats

Tramik 07-26-2009 09:42 PM

Re: Dr. Steven Greer, Disinfo Agent? Details Please!

Originally Posted by tone3jaguar (Post 156151)
The guy has a company that is specifically designed to enable people to get free energy technology into the media and market without being bought off or killed. I think what you where seeing there was an alternative media version of Jerry Springer. Lets see how this would go...

Black Ops Dooshbag Boss: How can we cast doubt into the minds of people that this guy Steven Greer that is effectively our arch nemesis is actually one of us.

Black Ops Dooshbag employee: I know, lets buy out that group of spanish people we have been watching and give them some extra money if they pull a Jerry Springer scene at a public conference.

Black Ops Dooshbag Boss: That is simple and brilliant, how come I did not think of that.

Your not addressing the point. The point is Steven Greer is present information that has been proven false. That's why Kerry labeled it as disinformation.

the reason I haven't been addressing the people making the claims of death threats is because I know nothing about it. The only thing I can be sure of right now is that Steven Greer lied, knowingly or not. Let's keep it at that.

333mark333 07-26-2009 09:43 PM

Re: Dr. Steven Greer, Disinfo Agent? Details Please!

Originally Posted by jaby (Post 156170)
Yes it could...theoretically....


No....he said...he recorded the reaction of the people who alleged
to have had death threats made against them. NOT the death threats

No problem jaby...:) gets a little crazy in here at times.

Spiralmind 07-26-2009 09:55 PM

Re: Dr. Steven Greer, Disinfo Agent? Details Please!
Let's not forget that Kerry and Bill requested an interview with Dr. Greer and he refused. This could have been an opportunity to clear up potential mis-communications.

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