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motrock 12-16-2009 08:55 PM

Underwater City found in Caribbean!
This morning on MSNBC they announced that, and I quote, "An ancient advanced city has been found at the bottom of the ocean in the Caribbean." So, here are the articles and photo's to back it up:

Article 1

Article 2

They say that they do not believe its Atlantis. I laughed when I read that comment! Of course, they are mainstream in the box thinkers. They have no clue what they have just uncovered. Edgar Cayce gave that region as the location of ONE of the locations of the ancient cities of Atlantis. After seeing these photo's, and hearing all of the other accounts over the years from this region, I have no idea that without a doubt it is in fact Atlantis. I heard about this find a year ago on the radio show Dreamland. This researcher mentioned the Caribbean and a group of divers finding a wall. They followed it and came upon a series of large buildings with pillars, statues, gold and silver plated brickwork on these buildings, large spiraling structures, domes, pyramids, etc. This guy said that due to the amount of artifacts located in this city, they were not going to give the exact location. They don't want pirates and treasure hunters looting the place. So, its probably taken a year to get things set up for the announcement!

Well, these 2 articles and the MSNBC News segment proves the guy on Dreamland to be true! However, they have not discussed the gold and silver plated brickwork. The part that fascinated me was that they can actually see spidering buttressing and also the human-like statues. That blows me away!

What does everyone think? Pretty cool huh?

micjer 12-16-2009 09:33 PM

Re: Underwater City found in Caribbean!
Do you have a link to the Dreamland info?

Humble Janitor 12-16-2009 10:22 PM

Re: Underwater City found in Caribbean!
Interesting photographs.

No clue what it is but it looks cool.

pyrangello 12-16-2009 10:27 PM

Re: Underwater City found in Caribbean!
Yes Edgar Cayce did say that.

Majorion 12-16-2009 10:33 PM

Re: Underwater City found in Caribbean!
IMHO, Atlantis is not a specific place or any one piece of terrain...

its just a reference to an era, a time eons ago, when humans were far more advanced than now, and the numerous civilizations who thrived back then..

But of course ultimately that epoch was brought to end the same way this era/cycle will probably come to end. We either will obliterate each other like many previous cycles (nuke trails - Ancient India), or a natural/cosmic cataclysm.

I think this story (despite my skepticism) is legit. I haven't really taken the time to look into it, but at first glance everything seems genuine.

However some high resolution infrared imagery might go a long way to put rest on any lingering doubt.


Majorion 12-16-2009 10:38 PM

Re: Underwater City found in Caribbean!
BTW, here are the photos from the articles:

More from Caribbean site .. New detail images just released

Previously undiscovered ancient city found on Caribbean sea floor

Kamikaze 12-16-2009 10:40 PM

Re: Underwater City found in Caribbean!
I'm really interested to see what time zone this place is from. Should be fairly quick to asses I would think and then the figuring out what the place is really.

Should prove to be quite the wash to mainstream history I think.

Derek 12-16-2009 11:25 PM

Re: Underwater City found in Caribbean!
This was discovered long ago. Its very good (and surprising) that this is finally coming out into the mainstream.

Majorion 12-16-2009 11:34 PM

Re: Underwater City found in Caribbean!
I'm still a bit skeptical about all this.

Don't get me wrong, I would love for this to be true, but nobody, including:

MSNBC: http://www.msnbc.msn.com/id/21134540...46228#34446228
Huffington Post: http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2009/1..._n_394240.html

They are reporting it, but nobody is able to confirm or deny, the original publishers of the story are remaining anonymous:

The archaeologists have so far refused to divulge their identities or the location in the Caribbean. They say they are raising money for an expedition to confirm their findings.

Hypnotize 12-16-2009 11:57 PM

Re: Underwater City found in Caribbean!
I really hope that these guys come forward. maybe they have found something more than just an old city and fear threats/attempts on their lives if they come forward.

Panta rhei 12-17-2009 12:12 AM

Re: Underwater City found in Caribbean!

Originally Posted by Hypnotize (Post 202435)
I really hope that these guys come forward. maybe they have found something more than just an old city and fear threats/attempts on their lives if they come forward.

Yes or they fear negative consequences in their professional lives from the scientific community.

Does not surprise me the original publishers of the story are remaining anonymous.

Sounds genuine to me though, would be interesting to know more about the exact location.

motrock 12-17-2009 12:51 AM

Re: Underwater City found in Caribbean!

Originally Posted by Majorion (Post 202353)
IMHO, Atlantis is not a specific place or any one piece of terrain...

its just a reference to an era, a time eons ago, when humans were far more advanced than now, and the numerous civilizations who thrived back then..

But of course ultimately that epoch was brought to end the same way this era/cycle will probably come to end. We either will obliterate each other like many previous cycles (nuke trails - Ancient India), or a natural/cosmic cataclysm.

I think this story (despite my skepticism) is legit. I haven't really taken the time to look into it, but at first glance everything seems genuine.

However some high resolution infrared imagery might go a long way to put rest on any lingering doubt.


Well I do agree to a certain extent. Atlantis was more then one landmass located from the Bahamas to the coast of Spain. And this also includes the West Indies and Cuba. Even parts of South America were parts of Atlantis. There is a really good book that goes in to great detail. Its called Edgar Cayces Atlantis. They go over Plato and Edgar Cayce thoughly in that book. They even have a lot of other ancient texts, which cover the India Vedas. This new finding further adds to the proof of Edgar Cayce and Plato.

Anyway, all of the indigenous cultures talk about Atlantis. They also talk about Mu/Lemuria. As all of these cultures; spread around the world, talk about... Atlantis and Lemuria got in to a huge war about 26,000 years ago. Atlantis destroyed Lemuria. Somewhere around 10,000 years ago whatever was left of Atlantis from the great war, caused its own destruction due to missuse of there own technology. The remainder of the Atlanteans became the Mayan, Egyptian, and Sumerian cultures.

motrock 12-17-2009 01:02 AM

Re: Underwater City found in Caribbean!

Originally Posted by Kamikaze (Post 202357)
I'm really interested to see what time zone this place is from. Should be fairly quick to asses I would think and then the figuring out what the place is really.

Should prove to be quite the wash to mainstream history I think.

Thats why I am hoping that this doesn't get squashed. They may come back with a crazy mundane explanation. I hope not!

Ross H 12-17-2009 01:18 AM

Re: Underwater City found in Caribbean!
Quote:It is unknown at this time how the city came to be on the sea floor, and not on dry land. “We have several theories.”

Seems fairly obvious to me:naughty:...ummm it wasnt on the sea floor...it was on land...



Steven 12-17-2009 01:22 AM

Re: Underwater City found in Caribbean!
Man, it's so refreshing to see new people here posting! :trumpet: Keep posting! This is amazing information, thanks for bringing it up! Will look into it soon...

Namaste, Steven

joe2288 12-17-2009 01:31 AM

Re: Underwater City found in Caribbean!
David Wilcock talked about this in one of his recent videos, they discovered it

in 2003. National geographic bought all the footage and rights to the story and

then it went black. They did manage to get one image out and that was of a


It was also supposably off the coast of Cuba

vril 12-17-2009 01:56 AM

Re: Underwater City found in Caribbean!
That's certainly an interesting article.
The place looks huge.
If this isn't some sort of hoax or a glitch with the processing of the satellite data it's a very exciting find.
Seems to be in shallow water so won't be hard for the team to begin studying the area.
The geometry seems very non fractal and rectilinear which is a usual sign of un natural design, although some rock formations do form in a Rectilinear manner.

As a side note I spent a few weeks on the island of Pohnpei in Micronesia about 12 years ago.
I made a few trips out to the ruins of Nan Madol.


My guide told me some interesting stories about the islanders beliefs in regards to the ruined city and temple complex.
What I found most interesting was that the islanders make no claim to having built the structures. They attribute the construction to two brothers Olosohpa and Olosihpa who arrived from a land in the west.
The legend goes on to say that they came to the island to build a city to commemorate a much older city that had existed in the area many years before, the older city had been destroyed and had sunk beneath the water.
The brothers built this new city themselves using what the islanders described as magical powers which involved among other things the levitation of huge basalt stones.
The complex is considered haunted by most of the islanders now, most of the locals wont go near the place out of fear.

Will be very interesting to see if this article turns out to be real.

Jnana 12-17-2009 02:06 AM

Re: Underwater City found in Caribbean!
Quite amazing. Thanks for the links. I can't wait to hear more about this.

A New Hope 12-17-2009 02:15 AM

Re: Underwater City found in Caribbean!
A pyramid shows up yet again and know one in the media or public at large will ask the obvious question WHY DO ANCIENT CIVILIZATIONS WHO EVOLVED SEPARATELY ALL HAVE PYRAMIDS?

"It is somewhat presumptuous to disdain or condemn as fake that which does not appear likely."

"For those with their eyes shut, no explanation will suffice.
For those with their eyes open, no explanation is necessary."

"To attempt to silence a man is to pay him homage, for it is an acknowledgement that his arguments are both impossible to answer and impossible to ignore."

lindabaker 12-17-2009 02:59 AM

Re: Underwater City found in Caribbean!

Originally Posted by Derek (Post 202408)
This was discovered long ago. Its very good (and surprising) that this is finally coming out into the mainstream.

Dereck, you are correct. This discovery was reported in the Atlanta Journal Constitution in or around 1995, and then the story just "disappeared" after that. Now, we have much better photography of the city, and it's very hard to imagine that it has been 'shopped.

lindabaker 12-17-2009 03:01 AM

Re: Underwater City found in Caribbean!

Originally Posted by Panta rhei (Post 202447)
Yes or they fear negative consequences in their professional lives from the scientific community.

Does not surprise me the original publishers of the story are remaining anonymous.

Sounds genuine to me though, would be interesting to know more about the exact location.

The Atlanta Journal Constitution reported this city to be off the coast of Georgia and S. Carolina, extending to the Bermuda area, if memory serves. The article appeared in print circa 1995.

motrock 12-17-2009 03:29 AM

Re: Underwater City found in Caribbean!

Originally Posted by joe2288 (Post 202521)
David Wilcock talked about this in one of his recent videos, they discovered it

in 2003. National geographic bought all the footage and rights to the story and

then it went black. They did manage to get one image out and that was of a


It was also supposably off the coast of Cuba

Actually, in the 1st article I posted, they said this is a completely separate site. This excites me, because that tells us that there was more then one city that this great civilization had.

I can't wait to see if they can find the central city. The one made of the big mile and half in diameter rings. The city of Posidon! Of course, Plato tells us that city is located off of the coast of Spain. But... who knows.

LucidJia 12-17-2009 03:29 AM

Re: Underwater City found in Caribbean!
Thisis cool I hope to hear more about this in the future!!


Originally Posted by Majorion (Post 202353)
IMHO, Atlantis is not a specific place or any one piece of terrain...

its just a reference to an era, a time eons ago, when humans were far more advanced than now, and the numerous civilizations who thrived back then..


I agree there has also been an ancient pyramid and stone slabs found in Japanese waters. They think these are over 10,000 years old according to the coral growing on them. Nassim talks about this in one of his vids..


motrock 12-17-2009 03:30 AM

Re: Underwater City found in Caribbean!

Originally Posted by Steven (Post 202515)
Man, it's so refreshing to see new people here posting! :trumpet: Keep posting! This is amazing information, thanks for bringing it up! Will look into it soon...

Namaste, Steven

Thank you! Its good to be welcome at this place. I look forward to posting more on other kinds of topics also!

motrock 12-17-2009 03:30 AM

Re: Underwater City found in Caribbean!

Originally Posted by LucidJia (Post 202583)
I agree there has also been an ancient pyramid and stone slabs found in Japanese waters. Nassim talks about this in one of his vids..


Oh yeah, the ruins of Lemuria. Very cool stuff!

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